
  • a new personal project exploring positive male relationships, showing up for your fellow man and what support looks like between boys, young adults and men.

With toxic masculinity present in areas of society around young men, I wanted to explore the strength of positive male relationships between boys, young adults and men. What does it mean to show up for our male friends? What does respect, support, togetherness, connection, community, love and vulnerability look like among young men. How do we express ourselves and understand our needs?

How do we support our friends to nuture and grow positive relationships?

How do we know when our male friends need support? How often do we ask our male friends how they are? if they are Okay? and if not, if they need anything from us? How often do we think outside of our own self? What is it to show up for our male friends?

How do we handle conflict and fall outs? Do we reconcile and apologise with kindness or do our egos get in the way? How are we creating positive role models for our kids and young men in society?